Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I'm going to try to post a couple more pictures.

This is a picnic in 1875. Standing in the center of the picture, of course, in the white hat, arms crossed is the General. To his right is Myles Keogh and to his left, Dr. Lord. Seated between Keogh and Custer wearing a dark hat and scarf is Libbie. Below her on the ground is Maggie without a hat. To the left in the white hat and dark shirt is Maggie's handsome husband, Jimmi Calhoun and next to him on the ground is Boston Custer. On the other end, in the chair is "Fresh" Smith and in the white hat above him is Tom Custer. William Cooke has the long side whiskers. The two girls in between Cooke and Tom are Nellie and Emma Wadsworth, visitors. The lady sitting very straight in white with the big hat is not named in all the books. I think she might be Nettie Smith since her husband is present.

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